Changing Habits

News Changing Habits
Changing Habits July 3, 2018

How are those New Year’s resolutions working out for you?  This year, don’t just write a list of resolutions, make a commitment.  Commit yourself to changing habits—either eliminating a bad one or initiating a good one.

A habit is a combination of three things: knowledge, skill, and desire.  Most important to this formula may be the desire—the focus to eliminate those bad habits that don’t allow us to be the best version of ourselves and the discipline to take our good habits to the next level. Without the desire, we cannot fully make the commitment to expand our knowledge and improve our skill sets.

As an example of success, my sister in the year 2012 committed to posting a daily random compliment on Facebook.  Out of her list of resolutions, this was the only one she followed through with for the entire year. Why was she able to stay committed?

·She stated her commitment publicly and had a good support system.

·She felt good giving the compliments and so did others receiving them, reinforcing the desire.

·She felt guilty if she didn’t do it.

·She received positive reinforcement and feedback from her support system.

Life, like business, is about the successful allocation of scarce resources. Don’t over-commit to a long list of resolutions. Rather, focus on changing one habit.  Keep it simple.  Keep it attainable.

For instance, eliminate sugary drinks from your diet, perform one random act of kindness per day, read a self-help book to improve your relationships, or invest in 30 minutes of daily physical activity.  Write your habit down and read it every morning or enlist a buddy who will be a source of positive reinforcement and feedback.

Forgive yourself if you do slip up and revisit your desire for making the change.  That desire will help you follow through with the commitment.  So this year, don’t resolve to do anything, rather commit to changing your habits and I guarantee the best you this year!

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